Nice ideas in here. You've done a nice job of structuring a track and sound-setting. You've not overpopulated the mix with samples and sounds that needlessly muddy the production.
So now that you have a set of sounds and a structure, try seeing where you can take it to add an energy to the track that it might be missing. You have a cool 4/4 beat on the drop, so add a nice ride to the kick. Alternatively, find a percussion loop to gently layer to have a more complicate pre-made percussion solution. Trim the tail of the kick (the bassy offshott that starts to clash with the bassline) to make it more punchy. You have a nice bassline, but it's a bit safe. Try layering it with a saw to provide depth and add a little more air to the mix (other than hats and the acid sound, there's not a lot of high end. The acid lead is quite overpowering, so consider dropping it into the mix a bit more by reducing the volume, and play with automation to verify the sound and keep it interesting.
I hope that helps! Lots of great ideas, and these suggestions are what I would do if I were in your boots :)